
Ready for Prime Time TV!

Today was the Harrisburg Kennel Club show, which is a big dealio because the Groups for this show are always televised on Animal Planet. Since puppyhood, it has been a dream of mine to be on TV and here was my chance. (Okay, well, I've already been on TV a couple of times but thats a mere technicality; I'm ready to go again!) There was this small hurdle of making it INTO the group competition. With 8 top winning specials vieing for the spot, I really had to be on my game - chomping on hot dogs and looking pretty. I wasn't sure what to expect and then all of a sudden . . . it HAPPENED! The judge pointed at MOI!!!!
Happy Dance! Happy Dance!

And so it went. Way to represent in the Group ring!

Coming soon to an Animal Planet near YOU! Tune in on Saturday, July 25, 2009 to see ME strutt my stuff!


Small Victories

Although I continue to lament that puppies were not in my forecast, sometimes things work out for the best. My mom decided to take me to some shows to keep my mind off my missing babies. I skipped Westminster this year with the expectation that I was "expecting" but we did attend the preceding Garden Specialties. I have grown to love dog shows - and the hot dogs that flow so freely and I am pleased to share that "I'm a Winner!"

Can you say,
"Best-In-Specialty-Show-Number Four"?

It was so cool with all the pretty girls and handsome dudes from around the Country and the judge picked me as the prettiest! Best of all my Daddy was there to cheer me on.

I'll check back again - but this was just too good to keep to myself.